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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Overcoming my Fear

My heart is beating fast. I let out a breath and the words " Oh S*!T; what have I done?" cross my mind! I stepped out of my comfort zone. I put my self out there in the world. Unprotected, vulnerable trusting that what happens next is meant to be. I went against the negative voices in my brain and I followed my heart. Now those voices of fear are trying to get me to turn and run. Run and hide and pretend I never ventured out today. strong. I call a friend so she can boost my confidence. It works...a little. Fear is powerful, and it can consume our lives without you or I even being aware. I see it for what it is. Some call it the ego or your inner bully. It is just trying to help like an overprotective mother. I want to live in the light not hide in the shadow of fear, regret and worry.

Today I am aware of my fear. I am reading May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein and today is the first day of 40 days of my commitment to miracle work. Fear is easy to spot when you meet it head on, like stepping out of your comfort zone and doing the things you have always been too afraid to do. I have one hundred reasons why I shouldn't follow my dreams and only one reason to. My one reason is ....I want this.

The hundred reasons against my dream is the resistance. I know I am in for some radical changes in my life because of all the resistance. Just like when I started the elimination diet I had physical resistance in the form of food cravings and moodiness. I did the diet and I am better for it. Now, I am following a dream and creating a new life. I am going big and the resistance is just as big.

On the Canvas
I am doing some intuitive painting this week. I am just letting the brush and paint do their thing while I clear my mind. This type of process painting is very meditative and it often produces ugly paintings. That is ok, because the importance is on the process...the actual doing and not the outcome. I am also renaming my fear. Thank you Mario Forleo and her fiance Josh Pais. I now call my fear vibrations my fire! The burning motivation I need to keep moving and keep creating. 

Please comment below of your dreams and fears. I would love to hear from you.

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