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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Why I love Mornings!

I took a walk at 6am. The neighborhood was quiet except for the birds. My guess is that most of my neighbors were slumbering in their cozy beds. Afterall it was Memorial Day. Not me I was excited to steal this a moment in nature all to myself. I came along a kill deer and I stopped my walk to be still and watch the bird's fast legs move across the bumpy dirt. As I stood still watching him, I noticed a turkey and four deer watching me. I wondered how many other creatures were watching me. I feel blessed that I was able to sit in the moment with them and share in their morning ritual. Sorry no pictures. I was wasn't doing anything but being in the stillness of the moment. How do you start your day? Please share in the  comments below.
Standing under a tree.

Coming soon: My writing Process!
Till we meet again my Creative Friends.