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Monday, December 15, 2014

Coping with Holiday stress!

I asked some friends and here are the top 10!

1. Wine  ( Water is important too! I actually check off my water consumption on my "Ta Da List"!)

2. Setting boundaries and saying No! This one is tricky but it can save your sanity.

3. Yoga & Meditation

4. Setting intentions instead of expectations
 Example: "I am happy" instead of "We will watch Elf, then hold hands, then go ice skating...." Expectations can lead to disappointment.

5. Plan ahead 
 I find it better to pull an all nighter wrapping gifts the week before Christmas; than waiting till Christmas Eve when I have had too much wine from #1!

6. Breath 
I am going to set up reminders on my phone to go off at different times. This way I will remember to take a moment to breath and reconnect with my intentions. We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the chaos!

7. Have a strategy 
You can't control how all your relatives will act but you can control your reaction. You know your sister will push your buttons or Uncle Stan will lure you into a political conversation. Have a strategy so you can keep from losing your cool!

8. Have a talisman to help ground you
 For example a necklace that reminds you of happy times. A note on your mirror saying " Be Grateful"  My Friend Mindy Scime has taught me to tattoo myself with a sharpie marker as a reminder!

9. Flow like water 
Kids get sick, snow storms happen and sometimes you burn the cookies! Imagine the stream. The water keeps flowing around obstacles. Be flexible and let go of the outcome. Trust that it will all work out for you. See my story of last Christmas below.

10. Make your own traditions
 A friend of mine doesn't celebrate any winter holidays. She has a mixture of emotions around this time of year. Friends and I suggested she make her own rituals and traditions for winter.

Last Christmas
My oldest son came down with a fever just hours before a Christmas Eve party. We were all looking forward to the party. This year was special, because some out of town family were joining us for the first time. I stayed home with my son and my husband took my other son to the party. I was so disappointed at first, but I then I went with the flow. We had a quiet evening of playing games; just the two of us. It was different from what I had expected, but it was a happy evening just the same.

On the Canvas:
I have been busy working on a 2nd mural, two business logos for friends and an e course for busy mamas like me! Follow me on Instagram @Mindful Canvas and Twitter @JMindfulcanvas to see more pics!

Logo in the making for One Yoga...coming to Lewiston NY Soon!
Mural almost finished! 
Wendy From Balanced Yoga and I with her Logo

Till we meet again my Creative Friends!
Please post your favorite ways to cope with Holiday Stress!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Can the Negative Voices in Your Head be Helpful?

Going to a party where you don't know anybody? Trying a healthier lifestyle? Maybe you want to take a painting class. You are excited and then it hits you. One minute you are reaching for the stars and the next you are lying flat on the ground. It is as if a rubberband of negative voices in your head has grounded you .  Resistance holds us back when we try to do something new.  Here is a short video explaining my new way of thinking about resistance. This is my first video so please be patient. There is a whole lot of resistance built up behind this video.

On the Canvas
Now you have your rubber band use it on a notebook or put it somewhere to remind you that resistance can help you to fly high!  What is holding you back? How did you get past the resistance? Please share below in the comments. 

Till we meet again my creative friends,

Monday, June 9, 2014

Writing Process Blog Tour!

This post is part of the #mywritingprocess blog tour. Thank you Mindy Scime for inviting me to come along on this journey. To be honest I freaked out a little at first, because I do not consider myself a writer. Mindy has been a mentor and an inspiration to me so I trusted her invitation. Checkout Mindy's blog here! 

What am I working on right now? Finding time to do my art. Whether it is writing , painting  or yanking weeds in my flower beds..I need to make more time.
Working on a mural and a logo.

How does my work differ than others in my genre? Easy! My blog is different because I'm different. Even my twin cousins are different and they have the same nature and nurture. I truly believe with all my heart we are all creative and we can't help but be different. Two people can look at the same still life and see something different. Two people can get the same step by step directions but their paintings will look different. I'm not trying to be different or to the same as anyone. I am trying to express the real me and the things that I'm inspired by. 

Why do I write what I do? I write because I like to share. I get so passionate and excited that I have to tell everyone. Sometimes I need to work something out or I need to find the lesson.

How does my writing process work? I write like I talk. The words just tumble out and I can hardly type fast enough. It only happens when I'm in the mood. I would like to make it more of a habit instead of relying on my muse.  Maybe when I make the time; I can schedule my butt into my writing chair on a more consistent basis.

Making gift tags out of recycled cards.

Whoo Hoo! Now I would like to guide you to my friend who has graciously joined my on this tour. She will post her writing process in the weeks to come. Make sure to check her out.

Maureen Hann is an Total Body Analysis Practitioner and Energy Healer. Her focus is to help individuals who feel out of sync with their bodies by allowing symptoms such as allergic reactions, pain, and negative self vision to guide them to the energy blockages which are their cause.  Her clients create their own customized complex homeopathic remedies to detoxify the agents of "dis-ease"  and also clear self-limiting beliefs to allow healthy energetic flow and initiate healing.  Her Buffalo, New York practice engages clients in person, and via phone and the internet to eliminate the causes of food allergies, athletic pain, and poor body image.  She loves working with runners and other men and women who view their bodies as part of a greater whole in respect to diet, emotion, and happiness. You can find Maureen here

Sorry this post was delayed. My Uncle died last week and I put things on hold. I needed time to be in the moment and spend time with family.

Till we meet again my creative friends,

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Why I love Mornings!

I took a walk at 6am. The neighborhood was quiet except for the birds. My guess is that most of my neighbors were slumbering in their cozy beds. Afterall it was Memorial Day. Not me I was excited to steal this a moment in nature all to myself. I came along a kill deer and I stopped my walk to be still and watch the bird's fast legs move across the bumpy dirt. As I stood still watching him, I noticed a turkey and four deer watching me. I wondered how many other creatures were watching me. I feel blessed that I was able to sit in the moment with them and share in their morning ritual. Sorry no pictures. I was wasn't doing anything but being in the stillness of the moment. How do you start your day? Please share in the  comments below.
Standing under a tree.

Coming soon: My writing Process!
Till we meet again my Creative Friends.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

I like winter?

Winter has never been a favorite of mine. I am not a skier, skater or ice fisher. I don't like being outside during the winter, however I do love to build a cocoon and hibernate all winter.  I might have had a change of heart this winter even though it has been particularly harsh.

I hate being cold, but 
I love my legwarmers and all my scarfs

I hate when snow gets in my gloves on my wrists, but
I love sitting next to the fireplace with fat socks and a cup of hot chocolate

I hate cold winds that takes your breath away, but
I love staying home as the snow swirls around my house like a snowglobe

I hate the pile of boots and snow gear at my door, but
I love the red noses and rosey cheeks on my kids

The cold winter has made some of my favorite things possible, so I guess it isn't so bad afterall. I am looking forward to spring, but I will savor each day I can sit next to the fire with my legwarmers and cup of cocoa!

On the canvas
I have been planing and art journaling. I hope to unleash all this creative energy this spring. Check back for some online offerings and new ways to connect.

Till we meet again my creative friends